Winner Airport Daybefore Robert Kennedy murdered

Winner Airport Daybefore Robert Kennedy murdered
John and Freya Simpson, Senator Kennedy at Winner sirport -June 1968 primary

West River 1850-1910

This is the story of early “West River” Dakota Territory replete with Sicangu, Poncas, Brules, Oglalas, Minniconjous, and a host of other tribes, buffalo hunters, princes, paupers, settlers, ranchers, squawmen, racists, rustlers, murderers, soldiers, do gooders, preachers, priests, native american culture, big money, foreigners, dreamers, honyockers, homesteaders, hired guns, hit men, violence, fraud, cheats, love, hate, success and failure.
The tales of these subjects are not told in any manner that conforms itself to a cohesive story, but are presented as they happened as part of the greatest ecological and cultural struggle and change in the history of the west. They chronicle the development of West River country as not only a time and place, but a culture of its own.
The stories are told the way they happened. There is little majesty, much hatred, greed, adventure and violence, all of the faults and few of the virtues. The view is kaleidoscopic, ever changing, and has a different appearance depending upon one’s point of view.
The intent of the stories is to present the various conflicting cultures and values involved in early Territorial and Great Sioux reservation times in Dakota as short, well documented history demanded by white culture modified by the oral history, tradition and culture of the Native American.
Oral history gives life and often enlightenment to the historian’s written word. Were the early rustlers “scapegoats” or “scoundrels”? Did the Big Cattlemen make secret “hit lists”? Did the Government conspire to rid the Indian people of their leaders? Did it have a “hit list” too?

Please Order Book from
John J Simpson
32551  271st Street
Hamill, SD 57534

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Price $18.00  incl tax S&H